Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday, 22APR07

Today we met up with our trainers and learned what to expect for the next two weeks. Tomorrow starts at 0730 with muster out on the grinder. We will be issued our weapons and uniforms throughout the day. We will turn in our uniforms to have the insignia put on them and they will be returned sometime Wednesday. Sometime throughout the first week we all will be given the Anthrax shot that need it. Like me I need to start from the beginning, others have different stages of the 6 shot series and others might only need the booster shot. The things we will be taught the next two weeks is to help keep us safer by knowing how to defend ourselves and treat others until a medic can come to the scene. It will be a very intense training and very serious. Being that I will be working with the COMJSOC I will be issued both the M16 and 9mm hand gun. Will let you know more as the week goes on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Sunday update. Ouch! you have to have 6 Anthrax shots. We certainly hope they won't bother you. We also looked up the initials you included, so now we know a little more about what you are talking about.

I don't know when I will be back from Holdrege, so I won't have a computer until I get home. But Dad will be checking your Blog, so keep them coming. I also showed him how to write and send one.

Mom and Dad