Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday 26APR07

Today was my first shot for the Anthrax series. I will get my second shot of six in two weeks. It stings like mad for a short while and then the rest of the day it did not give me much problems. My Small Pox is doing good it is at the purple stage and almost turning brown which is right before the scab will fall off. The rest of the day was spent at the range. We started out zeroing out our M16. Next we went over to the LOMA range, which by a computer tracks where your bullet goes and where it hits. The targets are at 75, 175, and 300 yards as siloettes. I ended up running one of the range's stalls. I had about 12 people that I had to instruct through their shooting using the computer to tell them if they hit the target or missed and where it went. Then after the first person I got to shoot my 40 rounds before finishing up with the other 11 that I had go through my stall. After we were done they had extra rounds, so I got to stay there and shoot up another 120 rounds. That was great to have that much more practice. Tomorrow with it having a chance of thunderstorms not sure what we will do for sure yet. We should go for qualifying for the 9MM hand gun. I am getting more use to wearing the uniform and full battle gear with weapons carrying. They say it take about 2 weeks to get use to the heat and gear and then we move on to even hotter area and have to get use to it and then you go on to even hotter area. I feel good. The food is good for me, maybe not for everyone. Just have to keep remembering only another week left here and then we go on to other fun times and further learning things to help us do our job while staying safe and keeping all around us safe or be able to save their lives. They say about 80% of the injured in a war that die are from bleeding to death and of that 50% could have been saved if someone knew how to help them out in the field to stop the bleeding. That is why part of our training is first aid. To help someone out if a medical person is not present. I feel very confident that I could safe someone's life if need be and know how to help save my own life if it comes down to it. The training we have gained here has been a very good one. They have been very informative and patient with us all to help make sure everyone is on the same page. Till tomorrow.


Jacqui said...

Hey dad,
Sounds like you are learning lots. Sorry I haven't posted sooner I haven't had internet in Brady because last weekend there was a tornado that took out some towers just south and east of Brady near Gothenburg. I think I am going to stay in Brady for next year. The schools that I was most interested in are hiring internally for the business position so I am out of luck there. I did send my resume into Ravenna yesterday and I have a good word in there. Jamie's boyfriend teaches there so he went in and talked to the superintendent for me there. So I am just waiting to hear back from them if at all. I have until Tuesday.
Things keep getting worse on this end. Last night Norma, Grandma Morriss's sister, fell and hit her head and had to have brain surgery like Nan did. She was alert last night and knew everyone so that is a good sign the doctors said but they are giving her 48 hours before they say exactly how she will be. So keep her in your prayers as well. I guess that is all on my side. Love you and take care.

Kevin said...

LOMAH is Location of Misses and Hits Range

Kevin said...

Brady would not be a bad place to start off a couple years before going to another one. You can gain experience and if you take on a leadership role you could find yourself being wanted by many. Hope Norma pulls out of it ok. I have her in my prayers along with everyone in the family. Grandma and Grandpa have been with me on my trip and keeping me going strong and doing it all very safely.