Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday 27APR07

Friday at last. It was a good day out on the range for our group. Only one out of our group still needs to go back and try to qual. I hit 38 of 40 targets on the 9MM hand gun and 34 of 40 on the M16. This moves me from sharp shoot to expert on the 9MM and marksman to sharp shooter on the M16. After we got back to the base from the range we all sat in a classroom cleaning our weapons. Now it is already time for chow, so going to go eat and be ready to PT and do some other range shooting tomorrow for about a half day. The rest of the weekend will be off until Monday again. It is hard to believe it is Friday already. The time has gone by pretty quick for me. Just hope the rest of the year goes as quick.

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