Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pop-up range for quals.

Some of the targets you have to hit as they pop up. They ranged from 75, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 yards out. They randomly pop up one to two targets at a time. When two targets pop up you were to hit the closer target first then engage the second target. The targets stayed up between 3-10 seconds depending on the distance and how many were up. Here is someone behind a M4 close corders weapon. With the shorter barrel it is not very accurate past 200 yards.


Unknown said...

Kevin - glad to hear that you are doing well. So when is the video of you and the bazooka going to hit the internet? :) Take care of yourself and God bless. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Kevin said...

Just have to check out Navy times I guess, they have been out here all week taking photos, videos and interviews of some of the people here. I personally did not get interviewed. I may have gotten on some of the media being taken though. The gernade launcher was the best weapon that I got to shoot along with the 50 cal.