Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday, 11MAY07

Everyone, I just want to thank you all for keeping intouch with me through my blog here. I have to let you know that I am doing great and learning lot of new things here at Fort Bragg. I will from now on will only be able to let you know only how I am doing. From now and into the future after I get back I will not be able to release anything about my tour. I thank you very much in helping me keep it this way. I will put my address that you can send any letters or mailings. I can let you know that I will be in Iraq. I hope you can send comments to me to keep up with what is going on back home. I can talk all I want about what is going on back home. The last month has gone by quickly, but it has been hard, hot work.


Brad Severa said...

Hey Kevin,

Some of those pictures look really familiar, mostly the ones out on the ranges, lots of pine cones around aren't there?
I can't say I miss it much, but it wasn't all bad, hope you are having more fun than I did in basic training:)


Anonymous said...

Hey daddy!
just wanted to say hi and that i miss you! you are right that time seems to be flying by! it seems like we just got done with easter yesterday. well not much has changed with me. is there a way i can send you some pictures that jen took of me and tiffy? and that way when jen does my senior pictures i can send them to you so that way you can pick which ones you like so that i get those ones printed. well keeping up in school, not having to work all the time helps a lot! i am still dating jeff and he says hi! i met his family this past weekend and they are really nice. well got to go and start doing english work!
Love, Kelli

Kevin said...

Yes Brad there are a lot of pine trees everywhere, even up here at Ft. Bragg. I have had some intense training, but it seems like I will have lots of fun with what my work is going to be. I will be in Iraq for 6-12 months. It all depends on when my replacement gets there to take my spot. If they get hurt or held back for some reason it just holds me back longer to return home. They promise to replace me before the 2 years are up. What a relief that is, not. I am doing things here that noone that I have talked to from my unit has done. The only ones that are doing what I am going to do are still in theater. Everything is so much different from what I have read or heard from everyone up to this point. I am very excited about this mission, but not able to tell you all the fun details even when I get home. Be ready for a get together after I get home if you can get the gang all together for it. It does not have to be right after I get home, but hope something can be done shortly after. Take care and hope your classes go well and you get that great degree.

Your old friend

Kevin said...


Glad you found a great young man like Jeff. Tell him I say hi back and hope to spend some time with you two when I get back home. Keep up the great work sunshine. YOu make me very happy and so proud of you. What is my sweat Tiffy going to do after she graduate? Hope her the best in whatever she decides. I hope she comes around when I get back and not be a stranger. I got you a little thing to put on your car. I will be sending it home with Mom. It is one of those yellow ribbons that says keep my daddy safe, hope you like it. You along with everyone in the family, friends, and co-workers are in my prayers that everything will go smoothly while I am gone. God and my Grandparents have been with me throughout my training. I will be staying safe and come home shortly. I love you very much.
