Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Wednesday 02MAY07

Just to let you know. In the case I do get captured, please do not tell the media anything about what I do for the Navy. Just tell them you do not know specifics and that I do my weekend a month and 2 weeks a year annual training thats all you know. I am only over seas to help be a body to rebuild the cities with the Army. This is to protect not only me, but you too. The media are like hounds when it comes to the families and the insurgents watch what gets put on tv. Just want to help protect my family, too. I will be fine as long as you do this for me. I do not look to be captured, but you never know what could go on for sure. Just taking precautions to help make any action(s) to be kept to a minium. Thanks everyone for understanding the importance of this request. I plan on coming home safely and soon.


Anonymous said...

hey daddy!
did we really need to talk about the possibility of you getting captured? i understand and it helps cause i really dont know what you do anyways. so school is starting to get hard for me. im having problems with eship. but not many people can help me with my problem. but yeah my hours at work picked up so much and i dont have time to do homework. so if i fail its cause i dont do my homework. but im trying so hard to keep up. well got to get back to class. i love you and miss you soo much.
Love, Kelli

Kevin said...

Yes, Kelli I did need to let you know that I am going to a bad place and things can go wrong in a heart beat if things are not done in a military manure. I do not expect or plan on getting captured, but that is always something that can happen if I do not follow the instructions given to me. I just want you all to be safe and not say anything that could help the bad guys in anyway. Since they watch tv and internet they can use that information against those that do get captured. I suggest you try your best to keep up with your studies first then fill in with work. If funding is a problem your mom can help you out. Your education is more important to me than hour much money you make right now. I miss you very much and always think about you everyday. I am hoping that I can come home sometime in September for about 15 days. I should be able to complete my time over seas by around Jan.2008. I will have to go back to San Diego to demobilize, but should be a short stop before coming on home. Keep up the good and hard work in school. It is almost summer break time, then you can work all the hours you want. Take care and keep writing to me I enjoy hearing from you. Love Dad